Section: New Software and Platforms

SoundCity - Ambiciti

  • Authors: Pierre-Guillaume Raverdy (SED), Fadwa Rebhi (Mimove), Cong Kinh Nguyen (Mimove), Rajiv Bhatia (TheCivicEngine), Vivien Mallet and Valerie Issarny (Mimove)

  • Contact: Valerie Issarny (Mimove)

Functional Description

Ambiciti measures the actual noise levels to which you are exposed. It can monitor noise levels throughout the day and inform you about your instantaneous, hourly and daily exposures.

Ambiciti also computes the air quality index in your region or at the exact location where you stand. You can also access to forecasts.

Ambiciti includes a lot of features:

  • Measuring noise level, anytime on demand or automatically during the day,

  • Air quality indexes, in the past, present and future hours or days,

  • Pollution levels for nitrogen dioxide, fine particulate matter and ozone,

  • Statistics on exposure to pollutions, hourly, daily, during daytime and nighttime,

  • Maps with your noise measurements,

  • Hourly air quality maps, at street resolution in Paris, San Francisco, Oakland, Richmond (California), at present time,

  • The recommendation of pedestrian routes which minimize the exposure to noise pollution or to air pollution,

  • The ability to take pictures with pollution levels on top.